Piazza di Spagna 26, 00187 Rome
You may wish to organise your visit to coincide with one of our events. Here you will find details about forthcoming events at the museum, and news updates about the house.
10:00AM-18:00PM Temporary Exhibition: 'Visionary Flowers', by Nancy Watkins - 18 February to 4 May 2013
11:00AM-18:00PM Temporary Exhibition: 'Visionary Flowers', by Nancy Watkins - 18 February to 4 May 2013
18:00PM-19:30PM SONATA 5 MAY
11:00AM-18:00PM DUET
10:00AM-18:00PM DUET
17:00PM-18:00PM Keats-Shelley House Poetry Prize 2013 - Ceremony
16:00PM-17:30PM Poetry Reading by Joshua Weiner and Karl Kirchwey, 16.00
19:00PM-20:30PM '"Lift Me Up For I Am Dying": A Poetic Performance of Keats' last weeks in Rome'
17:00PM-18:00PM Pan, the Devil, and Michelangelo's Moses: Keats's 'Hymn to Pan' in the 'Yellow Dwarf', a talk at the KSH by Professor John Kandl