Guided tour in English

21 Feb from 17:00 to 17:30

The Keats-Shelley House offers guided tours of the museum. From January to March 2013 they will be thus organized:

Talks in English will take place every Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm.

Talks in Italian will take place on Saturdays at 5pm (for internal reasons it will not be possible to give talks in Italian every single Saturday, so if you are interested please double check the calendar before coming on purpose).

The thirty-minute talks are given by our expert Keats-Shelley House guides and provide an introduction to the house and its collection, to the lives and works of the poets to whom it is dedicated and to the history of Romanticism. They will certainly enhance your visit to the museum.

There is no extra fee for the talks, which are included in the price of the ticket for the museum, and there's no need to book in advance. Just come along, enjoy, and learn!


The price is included in the entrance fee.




<< Jan.Feb. 13Mar. >>