Here Lies One Whose Name Was Writ ...

12 Apr from 16:00 to 18:00

Here Lies One Whose Name Was Writ ... 

Keats and Water: an afternoon of reading and conversation  

Friday 12th April from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m./ refreshments included  

From the eternal whisperings of his sea sonnet, to the watery mystery of his epitaph, the reader goes to Keats in search of both immersion and refreshment. London-based poets Julia Bird and Mike Sims perform regularly at Keats House in Hampstead: this April, they bring an inspired selection of Keats' water-themed poems and writings to Rome. Take a dip in a social, playful afternoon of readings and discussion.  

Advance booking recommended (06 678 42 35/ [email protected])  

Participation is included in the standard entrance ticket to the museum. 


Entrance ticket




<< Mar.Apr. 19May. >>