WATCHER OF THE SKIES - A new poetic production written for and performed at the Keats-Shelley House, Friday 23 and Saturday 24 May
To celebrate the bicentenary of Keats's earliest extant poem, 'Imitation of Spenser', this year's spring performance at the Keats-Shelley House has been specially written by award-winning poet Helen Burke and fellow poets Rose Drew, Alan Gillott and Tanya Nightingale. It will take place on:
Friday 23 May at 19.00
Saturday 24 May at 19.00
The show lasts approximately 70 minutes and tickets, which must be reserved in advance, cost €12 (or €10 concessions for visitors under 18 or over 65)
'The Watcher of the Skies is a brand new show, devised and performed by four poets and one musician.This is a 70 minute show, written for the Keats-Shelley House in Rome, and is poem-rich in all aspects of Keats's life , from his childhood to his last months in Rome.Keats is a captivating, engaging and charismatic figure and the diverse nature of the poems reflects this. There is also music to entertain the audience – and none of the poems or music have been heard before.It is hoped that the show does the young poet justice in the spectacular setting of the Keats-Shelley House right in the heart of Rome.'
Left to right: Rose Drew, Helen Burke, Tanya Nightingale and Alan Gillott sat behind.
Musician Robert Nightingale.
€12 / €10