All T-Shirts come in S, M, L, XL and XXL sizes but not all sizes may be available; after placing your order, we will be in touch to know the size chosen.

Keats-Shelley200 T-Shirt
Our exclusive Keats-Shelley200
bag marks the bicentenaries of the deaths of Keats and Shelley in 2021 and
2022 with this colourful, lively collage by Craig Coulthard set against a
white background.
Price: € 15.00

The Nightingale T-Shirt
Just over a century ago, museum co-founder Robert Underwood Johnson placed a set of The Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia, which was released under his editorialship by The Century Magazine, onto the newly-constructed wooden shelves of the Keats-Shelley House library.
Today, we've opened those pages to bring Keats's Ode to the Nightingale to life with a beautiful woodcut found tucked away in the 'N' volume. Our Nightingale t-shirt features this historic illustration, plus a phrase from Keats's ode with his signature.
Price: € 15.00